Thinking in the long run. Trading responsibly.
The company Kemmler holds to a sustainable trade strategy and sees in a sustainable economic policy its goal.
Our company successfully obtained a DIN EN ISO 14001 certificate in April 2003. From then on we were able to guarantee our competitiveness in the long term and to make a certain contribution to the solution of the present environmental problems that all of us have to deal with. We believe that combination of an ongoing environmental management and audit scheme shall reduce negative impact on the environment, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to a certain extent. We hope that our environmental management strategy brings us one step closer to the eco-friendly and ethic-oriented future that all of us are striving for.
Our environmental policy:
– ISO 14001 certificate since 2003
– more than 95% of our packages are made of eco-friendly cardboard boxes and are being dispatched all over the world.
Renewable, recyclable, bio-degradable
– photovoltaic system (PV system ) with up to 95 kWp power and a max annual output of 87.000 kWh
– more than 75% of our current electricity demand is being covered by the renewable energy resources
– up-to-date, energy-efficient gaz heating with a combined heat and power generation
Our goals:
– sustainable development as far as protection of the environment concerns
– reduction of CO2-emissions
– decrease of consumption of resources
– creation of eco-friendly and energy-efficient products and services
– provision for sustainability in our enterpreneurial thinking and trading
– creation of awareness among all members of our team